Jim Houston Reddick
ISLT Portfolio

My goal in life is to leave the world a little better than it was when I came into it. Upon graduation from Florida State University with my Master's in ISLT, I hope to land in employment with the State of Florida, garnering more experience in the working world. From there I hope to seize on the demand for the skillset and grow as an instructional designer. I would like to let it take me away. I grew up in this corner of the world, and love it to death, but I really want to go away for a spell, garner new experiences, broaden my viewpoints, and come back to better assist this area of North Florida.

Program of Study
Fall 2020
EME5601- Introduction to Instructional Learning Systems
Dr. Sue Ebbers
Spring 2021
EDP5216 - Theories of Learning and Cognition in Instruction
Dr. Hae Young Kim
Summer 2021
EME5608 - Trends and Issues in Instructional Design
Dr. Hae Young Kim
Fall 2021
EDF5442 - Inquiry and Measurement for Practitioners
Dr. Valerie Shute
Spring 2021
EME5603 - Introduction to Systematic Instructional Design
Dr. Diana Brandon
Summer 2022
EME5602 - Technology and Design
Dr. Allan Jeong
EME5457 - Introduction to Distance Learning
Dr. Allan Jeong
Fall 2022
EME6636 - Systematic Approach to Change Management
Dr. Jeff Phillips
EME5078 - Design of Adaptive Learning
Dr. Secil Caskurlu
Spring 2023
EME5077 - Mobile Learning
Dr. Secil Caskurlu
Summer 2023
EME6414 - Web 2.0 Learning
Dr. Vanessa Dennen
EDF5942 - Field Lab Internship w/
Florida House of Representatives
EDF8966 - Comprehensive Examination: Professional Portfolio

Skills & Accomplishments
Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
M.S. in Instructional Design - August 2023
B.S. in Information Technology, Major: Information, Communication & Technology - May 2014
B.S. in Psychology, Minor: Humanities - May 2014
Audio Visual Support Technician
- Florida House of Representatives Tallahassee, FL
February 2019 - Present
Provide A/V support for the 120 members of the Florida House of Representatives.
Set-up meetings, PowerPoint, and Webex Presentations.
Troubleshoot/Assist the Representatives and staff with the technology.
Provide audio performance testing for Committee rooms and Chamber.
Perform installations of hardware and software.
Review contracts, and oversee contractors for equipment installations.
Remote Event Tech/Director
- The Florida Channel/WFSU Tallahassee, FL
November 2015 - February 2019
Set up, film, direct remote events.
Operate camera, and floor directing for live news broadcast
Effective use of telemetric controls.
Create interstitial programming on AVID
Audio Visual Technician/Property & Inventory Support
- Florida House of Representatives Tallahassee, FL
February 2015 - November 2015
Provide A/V work for the 120 members of the Florida House of Representatives.
Set-up meetings, PowerPoint, and Skype Presentations
Troubleshoot and Assist the Representatives and staff with the technology/programs
Provide audio and sound quality testing for Committee rooms and House Chamber
Travel compiling a comprehensive list of House purchases throughout the 120 districts.
Establish and maintain a method of monitoring and tracking the location and condition of purchases.
Senior Associate - Media Prosper Shaker Heights, OH
April 2014 - March 2015
Remotely managed Facebook promotions for the Chevy Music Showcase in Oklahoma City and North Texas.
Participated in group discussions, maintaining a synergic working team, despite distance.
Maintained goals to mix interesting and varied music articles/discussion cues with CMS promotional events, contests, or details.
Yard Manager - Parramore Surplus Co.
Mt. Pleasant, FL
November 2008 - December 2013
Managed property, ordered products, and maintained a quality working environment.
Handled sales and customer services via Internet, phone, and person to person.
Supervised a crew of 7-10 employees.
Developed working relations with large scrape and recycling entities.
Monitored and tracked payments and sales of recycled goods.
Language Skills: Basic Spanish
Operating Systems: OS, Windows, FLAIR, LIM
Office: MS Office (PowerPoint, Word, Excel)
Photo/Video Editing: Photoshop, Movie Maker, iMovie, AVID, Premiere
Web-building: CSS, HTML, some SQL
Object Oriented Programming: Java
Curriculum building: Articulate, EdApp, Rise
Executive Summary
Below, I highlight various projects I worked on as I was seeking my Master’s In ISLT from Florida State University’s College of Education. Many of these projects offered opportunities of growth as a student and helped me accumulate a diverse working experience with various technologies, methodologies, and individuals. The one thing I can say for certain is I developed a love for working as a team, and felt that any project tackled as a group produced a more rounded, palatable tool than anything I did on my own. As a team, the skills and knowledge were expanded beyond just me, and enabled me to learn and access situations in different ways.
First, for a project in EME5608, my group was assigned to teach a lesson on a learning methodology. Our subject was Microlearning and Human Performance Technology, so we decided to use the lesson as an example. Essentially teaching Microlearning and Human Performance Technology by means of Micro-Lessons that were flexible, engaging, and respectful of the learners' busy lifestyles. The video available below walks through a user’s experience in the lesson.
Second, I used Rise/Articulate 360 to develop a lesson to teach 4th graders how to deduce Main Idea from a simple paragraph. This was challenging, and I was not all successful in engaging the students throughout the lesson. It required constant employment of the teacher to help them maintain focus. The report below goes into details on the struggles I faced.
Third, In this project for EME5457 I got to have some fun. I was able to create and develop a distance learning solution for a hobby of mine, Beekeeping. So, I developed a simple website that was expandable to various lessons. The lesson I focused on was testing for Varroa Mites. Below you can find a link and explore the site more.
For EDF5442, I had numerous challenges, but I learned a lot. The report I linked below highlights the difficulty I had collecting good, usable data, despite a sizable collection.
Lastly, I seek to highlight my internship with the Florida House of Representatives Administration and Professional Development Office. Here I was assigned numerous tasks to keep me busy for more than 150 hours of internship. Most of it focused on designing Learning Pathways in LinkedIn Learning.
Overall, I garnered an appreciation for teamwork, and the knowledge that failures do not necessarily mean I did not learn anything. From each set-back, I made greater steps forward. I am very grateful for the opportunity to learn alongside my classmates and be guided by such talented, kind, and helpful professors and staff.

Mobile Learning: EdApp
In this group project for EME5608, we designed a mobile learning lesson that used microlessons to teach about microlearning and Human Performance Technology.
Target Audience
This lesson was meant for fellow classmates enrolled in this particular course. Each group designed a lesson looking into different learning methods, then shared them, and gave feedback.
Development Process
As with any group project, it begins with brainstorming ideas. We queued in on the opportunity to teach microlearning with microlearning. This was one of my first teamwork projects in this program, and because of the diverse nature of each member's skillset we were able to divvy up the workload for a stronger product.
Design Principles
It was important for us to keep the lessons short, succinct, and to the point. We wanted to be respectful of the learners time. We used Bloom's Taxonomy in order to help learners effectively retain the information.
Competencies Achieved
Communication Skills:
Communicate effectively in written, oral, and visual formats.
Produce clear, concise and grammatically correct messages.
Produce visuals that adhere to the principles of message design.
Deliver effective and engaging presentations.
Facilitate meetings to achieve agenda and goals.
Use appropriate tools to communicate with learners, clients, and other stakeholders.
Apply effective questioning and facilitation techniques.
Practice active listening
Analysis Skills:
Use a variety of analysis practices such as performance system analysis, needs assessment, goal, task, learner, and context analysis.
Determine subordinate and prerequisite knowledge and skills.
Technology and Media Skills:
Select and use appropriate technology and media for specific outcomes.
Develop instructional materials using a variety of media (e.g., print, audio-visual, multimedia).
Develop and use web-based instruction, e-learning, social media, and content management tools.
Analyze the characteristics of existing and emerging technology.
Use technology correctly for professional communication purposes.
Use technology tools in the design process.
Provide a rationale for technology and media decisions.
Evaluation and Research Skills:
Construct valid & reliable data collection tools.
Write a proposal for a program evaluation.
Management Skills:
Allocate resources.
Establish project scope and goals.
Collaborate with team members, clients, and stakeholders.
Use appropriate management tools.
Personal & Interpersonal Skills:
Collaborate effectively with others.
Give and receive constructive feedback.
Build positive relationships with team members.
Recognize and accommodate individual and cultural differences.
Adhere to legal guidelines and ethical standards of the profession.
Stay current about advances in instructional systems and learning technology.

Rise/Articulate 360
In this project for EME5603, I developed a lesson in Rise/Articulate 360 to teach 4th graders how to deduce and compose the "Main Idea" of a simple paragraph.
Target Audience
This lesson was designed to teach 4th grade students who were still having trouble deducing the main idea of a simple paragraph.
Development Process
I struggled on this project, as it was very outside of my element. I had to figure a simple way to help teach kids to determine the main idea. So, I made it a series of steps, more like at math problem, where the student could find particulars parts of the paragraph, and build the main idea.
Design Principles
For this project I was able to take advantage of Articulate's Rise 360 program to design my lesson. The aim was to make it simple, and self-guided, but ultimately guidance was needed to keep student's focus.
Competencies Achieved
Communication Skills:
Communicate effectively in written, oral, and visual formats.
Produce clear, concise and grammatically correct messages.
Produce visuals that adhere to the principles of message design.
Deliver effective and engaging presentations.
Facilitate meetings to achieve agenda and goals.
Use appropriate tools to communicate with learners, clients, and other stakeholders.
Apply effective questioning and facilitation techniques.
Practice active listening
Analysis Skills:
Analyze learning and performance problems to recommend appropriate solutions.
Use a variety of analysis practices such as performance system analysis, needs assessment, goal, task, learner, and context analysis.
Use appropriate data collection methods and tools to conduct analyses.
Determine subordinate and prerequisite knowledge and skills.
Analyze content from a variety of sources.
Use analytics to address learning and performance questions.
Estimate costs and benefits for proposed solutions.
Write analysis reports and disseminate findings to stakeholders.
Design Skills:
Apply learning theory and systems thinking to design practice.
Design interventions to address learning and performance.
Design a curriculum, program, or learning solution.
Work with subject-matter experts and other team members to design interventions.
Align outcomes, strategies, and assessments.
Apply interaction design principles.
Design assessments to measure learning and performance.
Identify the scope and sequence for instructional solutions.
Use visual design principles appropriately.
Generate design documents and disseminate findings to stakeholders.
Select, modify or create effective design models.
Provide a rationale for design decisions.
Technology and Media Skills:
Select and use appropriate technology and media for specific outcomes.
Develop instructional materials using a variety of media (e.g., print, audio-visual, multimedia).
Develop and use web-based instruction, e-learning, social media, and content management tools.
Analyze the characteristics of existing and emerging technology.
Use technology correctly for professional communication purposes.
Use technology tools in the design process.
Analyze the cost and benefit of technology and media use.
Provide a rationale for technology and media decisions.
Evaluation and Research Skills:
Design and develop formative and summative evaluation plans.
Conduct a formative evaluation of an instructional intervention.
Write a proposal for a program evaluation.
Apply appropriate qualitative and quantitative data collection methods.
Construct valid & reliable data collection tools.
Collect, analyze, and summarize data.

Distance Learning
For this project in EME5457, I developed a simple webpage, that could be used to educate hobbyist beekeepers on various operations. For this project in particular, I focused on "The Sugar-Roll Mite Test".
Target Audience
This lesson was designed for hobbyist/novice beekeepers with some basic knowledge.
Development Process
I based much of this on my own experiences with the hobby, aiming to develop an effective means of teaching a subject that has a lot of variability, that can make it quite overwhelming.
Design Principles
The design was for an overall site, that had a variety of learning material. For the scope of this project, if did one complete lesson.
Competencies Achieved
Communication Skills:
Communicate effectively in written, oral, and visual formats.
Produce clear, concise and grammatically correct messages.
Produce visuals that adhere to the principles of message design.
Deliver effective and engaging presentations.
Analysis Skills:​
Determine subordinate and prerequisite knowledge and skills.
Analyze content from a variety of human and non-human sources.
Design Skills:
Apply learning theory and systems thinking to design practice.
Design interventions to address learning and performance.
Design a curriculum, program, or learning solution.
Work with subject-matter experts and other team members to design interventions.
Align outcomes, strategies, and assessments.
Generate appropriate instructional strategies and activities.
Apply interaction design principles.
Design assessments to measure learning and performance.
Identify the scope and sequence for instructional solutions.
Use visual design principles appropriately.
Generate design documents and disseminate findings to stakeholders.
Select, modify or create effective design models.
Provide a rationale for design decisions.
Technology and Media Skills:
Select and use appropriate technology and media for specific outcomes.
Develop instructional materials using a variety of media (e.g., print, audio-visual, multimedia).
Develop and use web-based instruction, e-learning, social media, and content management tools.
Use technology correctly for professional communication purposes.
Use technology tools in the design process.
Evaluation and Research Skills:
Conduct a formative evaluation of an instructional intervention.
Provide a rationale for evaluation decisions.
Management Skills:
Develop a management plan.
Allocate resources.
Establish project scope and goals.
Personal & Interpersonal Skills:
Collaborate effectively with others.
Give and receive constructive feedback.
Adhere to legal guidelines and ethical standards of the profession.
Stay current about advances in instructional systems and learning technology.

Knowledge Transference Across Different Learning Methodologies
For EDF 5442, Inquiry & Measurement for Practitioners, a question grew out of a series of discussions into the transfer of knowledge and different distance learning methodologies. There developed a curiosity about the potential predictability of methodologies. For example, would mobile learning prove more successful at promoting knowledge transfer from lesson plan to context, or would a typical computer lab set-up on premise be more successful?
Communication Skills
Communicate effectively in written, oral, and visual formats.
Produce clear, concise and grammatically correct messages.
Produce visuals that adhere to the principles of message design.
Deliver effective and engaging presentations.
Facilitate meetings to achieve agenda and goals.
Use appropriate tools to communicate with learners, clients, and other stakeholders.
Apply effective questioning and facilitation techniques.
Practice active listening.
Target Audience
Past/present employees of major retail stores (Walmart/Publix).
Development Process
Much of this developed out of past experience an my general interest in context related learning. The choice of subject was an effort to get more participants, and the variety of instructional system that are at play in major retail chains.
Design Principles
I developed a questionnaire and shared it via social media. Using social media I was able to focus the questainare to group that included Walmart employees or Publix employees.
Competencies Achieved
Communication Skills:
Communicate effectively in written, oral, and visual formats.
Produce clear, concise and grammatically correct messages.
Analysis Skills:​
Analyze learning and performance problems to recommend appropriate solutions.
Use a variety of analysis practices such as performance system analysis, needs assessment, goal, task, learner, and context analysis.
Use appropriate data collection methods and tools to conduct analyses.
Determine subordinate and prerequisite knowledge and skills.
Analyze content from a variety of human and non-human sources.
Use analytics to address learning and performance questions.
Estimate costs and benefits for proposed solutions.
Write analysis reports and disseminate findings to stakeholders.
Technology and Media Skills:​
Use technology correctly for professional communication purposes.
Use technology tools in the design process.
Analyze the cost and benefit of technology and media use.
Evaluation and Research Skills:
Design and develop formative and summative evaluation plans.
Conduct a formative evaluation of an instructional intervention.
Write a proposal for a program evaluation.
Apply appropriate qualitative and quantitative data collection methods.
Construct valid & reliable data collection tools.
Collect, analyze, and summarize
Management Skills:​
Allocate resources.
Establish project scope and goals.

Internship with the Florida House of Representatives
For my Internship I worked alongside The Florida House of Representative's Administration and Professional Development Office.
Target Audience
Creating curated learning plans for The Florida House of Representative's Local and District Staff,
Development Process
I was given the task via The Office of Administration and Professional Development, which included notes from Program Managers, Staff Directors, and Representatives which included shortcomings/gaps in new employee training.
Design Principles
From the notes I perused the LinkedIn Learning Library, collecting, testing, and added course to specific learning plans to fit these pre-determined needs.
Competencies Achieved
Communication Skills:
Communicate effectively in written, oral, and visual formats.
Produce clear, concise and grammatically correct messages.
Produce visuals that adhere to the principles of message design.
Deliver effective and engaging presentations.
Facilitate meetings to achieve agenda and goals.
Use appropriate tools to communicate with learners, clients, and other stakeholders.
Apply effective questioning and facilitation techniques.
Practice active listening.
Analysis Skills:
Analyze learning and performance problems to recommend appropriate solutions.
Determine subordinate and prerequisite knowledge and skills.
Design Skills:
Provide a rationale for design decisions.
Technology and Media Skills:
Develop instructional materials using a variety of media (e.g., print, audio-visual, multimedia).
Use technology tools in the design process.
Provide a rationale for technology and media decisions.
Management Skills:
Establish project scope and goals.
Manage project personnel.
Collaborate with team members, clients, and stakeholders.
Use appropriate management tools.
Personal & Interpersonal Skills:
Collaborate effectively with others.
Give and receive constructive feedback.
Build positive relationships with team members, clients, and other stakeholders
Recognize and accommodate individual and cultural differences.
Adhere to legal guidelines and ethical standards of the profession.
Stay current about advances in instructional systems and learning technology.